
Portlets Unite!

Actualitat Unite!

Notícies Unite!

Unite! avança en la promoció de la ciència oberta

Del 7 al 9 de juny va tenir lloc a la Universitat d’Aalto l’Escola d’Estiu de Ciència Oberta. Els participants, membres de les universitats Unite! van explorar noves pràctiques, principis i objectius de ciència oberta. Anna Rovira, Cap d'Unitat dels Serveis Generals de Biblioteques de la UPC va participar en l’Escola i va tenir l’oportunitat de compartir tot el que la UPC ha avançat en aquest tema en els darrers anys.  

L’escola d’Estiu de Ciència Oberta ha estat un esdeveniment creatiu dissenyat per promoure la comunitat científica oberta de Unite! i avançar cap els objectius estratègics establerts en el full de ruta de Ciència Oberta i Innovació de Unite!Les millors pràctiques es compartiran a finals d’aquest any en forma d'un manual científic obert. Serà una guia molt pràctica dirigida tant als investigadors, els directors universitaris com als responsables polítics.

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The Science of Learning: Promising Strategies from Cognitive Psychology

Online Workshop

Date: 8 December 2021 (10:00-13:00)

Workload: 3 hours

This series of activities is aimed at teaching staff, lecturers and faculty in all Unite! partner institutions (including Ph.D. students and postdocs involved with teaching), who are interested in sharing and developing teaching and learning practices.

Hackathon “From post Covid University to inclusive European University”

Unite! is organising an online hackathon which will take place from 22 to 26 November 2021 (5 to 7pm CET) via online Zoom meetings. It aims at getting together different groups of students of different partners’ universities to work on a collaborative project solution for the University of the Future. You have until November 15th to register and the winner will get to travel to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology Dialogue in March to present the results of the Hackathon.

Registration deadline  Nov 15th. 

Unite! Virtual Fair for students – Build your global competence

The fourth edition of Unite! summit event is approaching. Unite! lead by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), will organise the IV Dialogue of the Unite! alliance which brings together the whole community. Now, for the first time, the 4th Unite! Dialogue Barcelona scheduled from the 29th of November until the 1st of December, will include the Unite! Branding Event which constitutes the major multiplier event and goes under the headline “Paving the way for the 2030 European Universities”. It aims to bring together all key actors for internal and external dissemination. A registration link for all participants will be published in the coming days.

IV Unite! Dialogue. Save the data! 

The fourth edition of Unite! summit event is approaching. Unite! lead by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), will organise the IV Dialogue of the Unite! alliance which brings together the whole community. Now, for the first time, the 4th Unite! Dialogue Barcelona scheduled from the 29th of November until the 1st of December, will include the Unite! Branding Event which constitutes the major multiplier event and goes under the headline “Paving the way for the 2030 European Universities”. It aims to bring together all key actors for internal and external dissemination. A registration link for all participants will be published in the coming days.

Unite!'s Hackathon: From post COVID universities to an inclusive European university

Unite! is organising an online hackathon which will take place from 22 to 26 November 2021 (5 to 7pm CET) via online Zoom meetings. It aims at getting together different groups of students of different partners’ universities to work on a collaborative project solution for the University of the Future. You have until November 15th to register and the winner will get to travel to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology Dialogue in March to present the results of the Hackathon

 Registration deadline  Nov 15th. 

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