
Would you like to participate in the Unitech Programme?

Academic exchange + internship in companies Application deadline: 15 January 2018


09/01/2018 fins a 15/01/2018 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


What is UNITECH?
UNITECH is a network of:

- European partner universities ("Academic Partners" or AP), see list in:

- Together with some partner companies ("Corporate Partners" or CP), see list in:
In this network, some students from these partner universities participate in the UNITECH programme. It consists in:

- Doing one academic exchange in an AP;
- After, doing an internship in a CP;
- and follow some specific modules in between these stays.
Only students enrolled in the programmes: "Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Industrial" and "Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Aeronàutica".
More information about UNITECH through:

The Programme, Eligibility, Application Process, Main deadlines/dates, Grants, UNITECH Alumni Association, UNITECH Assessment Center, Contact, FAQ [Frequent Questions], UNITECH, Candidates & Pre-selection.  (It will be published in early February 2018), UNITECH Selected students.  (It will be published at the end of February 2018), UNITECH Outgoing students.  (It will be published at the end of March 2018)