
Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW) University of Stuttgart. Application until 30/04/17


04/04/2017 a 08:00 fins a 28/04/2017 a 20:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)

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1 week – 2 teams – 1 goal:

Design a Space Station: Space Station Design Workshop (SSDW)

Institute of Space Systems – University of Stuttgart, Germany

23rd – 29th July 2017


When was the last time you designed a Space Station? The Space Station Design Workshop is once again taking place at the Institute of Space Systems – University of Stuttgart (Germany) next July.

With the end of operation of the International Space Station ISS coming up within the next years, it is time to think about a successor space station to preserve long-duration human presence in space. Human exploration of the solar system is realized through a progressive series of space operations, with each seeking to extend the reach of its predecessor. Operations concerning the Moon, libration points, asteroids, and near planets such as Mars are all considered significant objectives towards the expansion of human space exploration.

During one week, a group of experts from industry and academia will guide two teams towards one goal: Design a space station for a specific mission. The mission statement will first be provided during the workshop itself.

Be part of this international and interdisciplinary experience, learn about the future of human spaceflight and put in practice your knowledge and soft skills in a cooperative yet competitive environment.

The workshop is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young professionals. As interdisciplinary cooperation is integral to such projects, applicants from all fields of study are welcome at the workshop.

Application is now open, until 30thof April, successful applicants will be notified before the end of May 2017.

Further information:

You can stay updated through Facebook SSDW.Stutgart or Twitter @SSDWStuttgart