
Seminari: Robotics and Space Engineering in Tohoku University


08/03/2017 de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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By professor Kazuya Yoshida, Full Professor in Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan

Place: Sala d'Actes del TR5

Date: El 8 de març ,12.00 h

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In this seminar talk, past and recent activities on robotics and space engineering in Tohoku University, Japan are introduced. In the department of Aerospace Engineering, Professor Kazuya Yoshida has been conducting a variety of research activities on the dynamics and control of space robotic systems ranging from orbital free-flying robots to planetary exploration rovers. The activities are extended to the development of university-based micro satellites and also the terrestrial applications of space technology, such as robotic remote exploration for search and rescue missions.