
Machine Learning in Speech Recognition and Signal Processing Seminar

Seminari a càrrec del professor Danijel Korzinek, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.


24/05/2017 de 12:30 a 15:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)

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Machine Learning in Speech Recognition and Signal Processing Seminar.

Professor Danijel Korzinek, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.


Dimecres 24 maig | 12.30h.

Aula 2.6 | Planta 2 | Edifici TR5.


A revolution in the past several years has resulted in many research tools and applications being publicly released as open source software. In addition to that, it is becoming common practice to release code used to produce state-of-the-art results to accompany research papers. This has resulted in an enormous acceleration of progress in research domains that follow this concept. It has also encouraged the creation of many, almost production-worthy, packages facilitating further research in these areas. The author of this talk is an specialist in speech recognition and signal processing and he will demonstrate how to use the power of these tools with examples from his own research. These ideas can be applied to various other signal processing problems (image, audio, etc.) in which Machine Learning is used to analyse different types of discrete signals.

El seminari està orientat a estudiants de màster i estudiants d'últim any de grau, també a a personal docent i investigador.