
Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2017


25/11/2016 de 10:00 a 11:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a biennial global competition, organised in partnership with UNESCO, which challenges students to innovate for the future of sustainable aviation. At Airbus, we’re constantly looking for new, better ways to fly and that’s what Fly Your Ideas is all about.

Final call for Fly Your Ideas! There are 2 more weeks for teams to enter their idea for Round 1 of Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2017
Here’s some advice to make the most of this opportunity to innovate with Airbus Experts. 

  • Teams must have 3-5 members and we strongly encourage teams to be as diverse as possible – they can find more team members on the Fly Your Ideas Facebook page.
  • Select their Fly Your Ideas Challenge, and interact with 5 Airbus Experts on the Experts Online Communities
  • Get an Academic Mentor on board to support their team and their project
  • Submit their idea - they will need to complete the short Round 1 online questionnaire that they can find in the team dashboard 

Remember, the deadline to submit the Round 1 idea is 12 noon CET, 25 November. No late applications can be accepted.