
Exchange courses Master's Degrees

Subjects in English

205002 Q Research Management and Aerospace Projects 10 MASE ANG
205050 B1 Infrared termography for Building Diagnostics 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205051 B2 Facilities Management 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205053 B1 Introduction to metaheuristics for optimization problems 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205058 B1 Demolitions and Soil Preparation 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205059 B2 Mobile Robots 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205065 B2 Spaceports, airports for spaceflights 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205068 Q Smart Textiles 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205077 B2 Data Mining and Machine Learning for Engineers 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205079 B2 Agile methodologies and processes for the creation of innovative solutions 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205087 B1 Non-linear time series analytics 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205089 B2 The space environment 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205090 B1 Practical Use of FEM for Structural Analysis with NASTRAN 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205096 B2 Research on Fluids Mechanics 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205097 B1 Global Navigation Satellite System 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205099 B1 Advanced Engineering Data Analysis-GRAU 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205106 Q Production and Logistics 7,5 MEM ANG
205107 Q International Bussines 7,5 MEM ANG
205111 Q Strategy and Marketing 7,5 MEM ANG
205112 Q Advanced Project Management 7,5 MEM ANG
205115 Q Combinatorial Optimization in Logistics 7,5 MEM ANG
205116 Q Simulation of Industrial Processes 7,5 MEM ANG
205117 Q Business Analytics 7,5 MEM ANG
205128 B1 Interplanetary Trajectory Design and Optimisation 3 MUEA/MASE ANG
205129 B2 Aerodynamic shape optimization 3 MUEA/MASE ANG
220225 B1 Surface Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205559 Q Teixits Intel·ligents 3 MUDTT ANG
205560 Q Producció Tèxtil a la Indústria 4.0 3 MUDTT ANG
205561 Q Gestió de Recerca i Desenvolupament 3 MUDTT ANG
205562 Q Tèxtils per al Disseny i la Innovació 3 MUDTT ANG
220218 B2 Game Theory 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU ANG
220219 B2 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
220221 B1 Railway Systems 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
220222 Q Thermal Turbomachine and Combustion 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU ANG
220224 B2 Structures of New Generation Materials 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU ANG
220226 B1 Research Seminars 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
220238 B1 Applied Robotics 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
220239 B2 Geotechnical Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU ANG
220310 Q Direcció de Projectes d'Aeronaus i Vehicles Aeroespacials 5 MUEA ANG
220674 B2 Quantitative Research Methods 3 MUEO- GRAU ANG
320058   Plastic materials Technology 6 MEC ANG
205092 B2 Dynamical Systems in Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA- GRAU ANG
205124 B2 Colloids, interfaces and nanoscale engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU ANG
205072 B2 Space resouces&Planetary settlements 3 MUEA/MASE ANG
205127 B2 Launch vehicles and trajectory optimization 3 MUEA/MASE ANG
205126 B2 Fundamentals of hipersonic aerodinamics 3 MUEA/MASE ANG
220671 B2 Combinatorial Optimization Methods 3 MUEO ANG

Subjects in Catalan/Spanish

220213 Q Direcció Integrada de Projectes 5 MUEI CAT/CAST
220227 B2 Tecnologia Electrònica 3 MUEI CAT/CAST
220228 B2 Tecnologia Química 3 MUEI CAT/CAST
220229 B1 Tecnologia Elèctrica 3 MUEI CAT/CAST
220235 B2 Teoria de Màquines 3 MUEI CAT/CAST
220236 B2 Disseny d'Experiments 3 MUEI CAT/CAST
220370 B2 Fonaments d'Enginyeria Aeroportuària 3 MUEA CAT
220371 B1 Fonaments de Propulsió 3 MUEA CAT
220372 B2 Fonaments d'Enginyeria Espacial 3 MUEA CAT
220373 B1  Fonaments de Disseny d'Aeronaus 3 MUEA CAT
220375 B2 Elements Resistents en l'Aeronàutic 3 MUEA CAT
220555 Q Automatització de Processos 5 MUEO CAT
220614 Q Gestió de Projectes 10 MUESAI CAST
320048   Elasticitat 6 MEC CAT/CAST
320054   Estructures i construcció industrial 9 MEC CAT/CAST
320055   Enginyeria gràfica 6 MEC CAT/CAST
320057   Accionaments i transmissions 6 MEC CAT/CAST
320060   Ajustos i control numèric 6 MEC CAT/CAST
320174   CAD mecànic 6 MEC CAT/CAST
3200502 Q Sistemes tèrmics II 4,5 MEC CAT/CAST
3200512   Teoria i disseny de màquines i mecanismes II 6 MEC CAT/CAST

Period: Check the academic calendar to know the dates

  • Q - Quadrimestral
  • B1 - The first part of semester
  • B2 - The second part of semester
  • MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
  • MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
  • MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
  • MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
  • MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
  • MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology

Subjects in English

205001 Q1 Computational Engineering 5 OPTATIVA MÀSTER ANG
205015 Q1 Turbulence: Phenomenology, Simulation, Aerodynamics 5 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEA/MASE ANG
205052 B2 Design and behaviour of special structures 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEI COMUN ANG
205055 B1 Project Manegement: Key Agreements & Deals 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEI COMUN ANG
205062 B2 Designing Innovate Products & Business 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEI/MUEA ANG
205063 B1 Dynamic analysis of structures 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEI/MUEA ANG
205079 Q Agile methodologies and processes for the creation of innovative solutions 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205086 B2 Smart grids and data analitycs 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER-MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG
205104 Q1 Finance and Accounting 7,5 MEM ANG
205105 Q1 Tools for Decision Making 7,5 MEM ANG
205108 Q1 Asset and Facility Management 7,5 MEM ANG
205109 Q1 Information Technologies & Data Analysis 7,5 MEM ANG
205113 Q1 Leading teams 7,5 MEM ANG
205114 Q1 Environtment, Health and Safety, and Quality Management 7,5 MEM ANG
205118 B2 Experimental Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER ANG
205122 B1 Microfluids and MEMS for smart sensors and actuators 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER ANG
205123 B2 Polymers from Renewable Resources for Industrial Applications 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER ANG
205125 B1 Computational Modeling for Engineering Processes 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER ANG
205330 Q1 Applied Subsystem Design 5 MUEA SPACE ANG
205553 Q1 Advances in Fibers and Threads 5 MUDTT ANG
205554 Q1 Advances in Knitted and Openwork Fabrics 5 MUDTT ANG
205555 Q1 Advances in Dyeing and Printing of Fabrics 5 MUDTT ANG
205556 Q1 Advances in Textile Finishes and Dressings 5 MUDTT ANG
205557 Q1 Sustainability in the Textile Industry 5 MUDTT ANG
205558 Q1 Tècniques Instrumentals per a la recerca i el desenvolupament 5 MUDTT ANG
220223 B1 Acoustics 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE/MUREM ANG
220243 Q1 Edificis Intel·ligents 5 MUEI CONST CAT/CAST/ANG
220252 Q1 Control de Màquines Elèctriques 5 MUEI ELE CAT/CAST/ANG
220263 Q1 Disseny Fluidodinàmic Avançat 5 MUEI MEC ANG
220321 Q1 Airport Operations 5 MUEA AERO ANG
220322 Q1 Business Management Aeronautics 5 MUEA AERO ANG
220323 Q1 Airport Building Systems 5 MUEA AERO ANG
220324 Q1 Airport Infrastructure Management 5 MUEA AERO ANG
220325 Q1 Air Transport 5 MUEA AERO ANG
220331 Q1 Composite Materials 5 MUEA COMUN ANG
220332 Q1 Astrodynamics 5 MUEA SPACE ANG
220333 Q1 Spacecraft Design 5 MUEA SPACE ANG
220334 Q1 Space Propulsion 5 MUEA SPACE ANG
220340 Q1 Extension of Rocket Engines 5 MUEA PROP ANG
220341 Q1 Internal Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines 5 MUEA PROP ANG
220342 Q1 Extension of Jet Engine 5 MUEA PROP ANG
220343 Q1 Advanced Propulsion 5 MUEA PROP ANG
220350 Q1 Aerospace Laboratories 5 MUEA VA ANG
220351 Q1 Advanced Aeroelasticity 5 MUEA VA ANG
220352 Q1 Advanced Aerodynamics 5 MUEA VA ANG
220353 Q1 Architecture And Aircraft Systems 5 MUEA VA ANG
220669 B1 English for Management 3 MUEO ANG
220683 B2 Research Tools 3 MUEO ANG

Subjects in Catalan/Spanish

205084 B2 Pneumàtica i Oleohidràulica Industrial 3 OPTATIVA MÀSTER CAT/CAST
220240 Q1 Estructures de Formigó 5 MUEI CONST CAST
220241 Q1 Estructures Metàl·liques 5 MUEI CONST CAST
220242 Q1 Estructures Avançades 5 MUEI CONST CAST
220243 Q1 Edificis Intel·ligents 5 MUEI CONST CAT/CAST/ANG
220252 Q1 Control de Màquines Elèctriques 5 MUEI ELE CAT/CAST/ANG
220253 Q1 Projecte de Sistemes Elèctrics amb Energies Renovables 5 MUEI ELE CAT/CAST
220254 Q1 Instrumentació Avançada 2,5 MUEI ELE CAST
220255 Q1 Control, Gestió i Supervisió de Processos 2,5 MUEI ELE CAST
220260 Q1 Sistemes de Transmissió de Potència 10 MUEI MEC CAT/CAST
220261 Q1 Sistemes de Fabricació Avançada 5 MUEI MEC CAST
220566 Q1 Direcció de Projectes d'Organització 7 MUEO CAT/CAST

Period: Check the academic calendar to know the dates

  • Q - Quadrimestral
  • B1 - The first part of semester
  • B2 - The second part of semester
  • MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
  • MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
  • MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
  • MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
  • MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
  • MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology

Subjects in English

205002 Q Research Management and Aerospace Projects 10 MASE ANG
205050 B1 Infrared termography for Building Diagnostics 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205051 B2 Facilities Management 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205053 B1 Introduction to metaheuristics for optimization problems 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205058 B1 Demolitions and Soil Preparation 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205059 B2 Mobile Robots 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205064 B1 Programming Interfaces and Applications 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205065 B2 Spaceports, airports for spaceflights 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205068 Q Smart Textiles 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205077 B2 Data Mining and Machine Learning for Engineers 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205079 B2 Agile methodologies and processes for the creation of innovative solutions 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205087 B1 Non-linear time series analytics 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205089 B2 The space environment 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205090 B1 Practical Use of FEM for Structural Analysis with NASTRAN 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205096 B2 Research on Fluids Mechanics 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205097 B1 Global Navigation Satellite System 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205099 B1 Advanced Engineering Data Analysis 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205106 Q Production and Logistics 7,5 MEM ANG
205107 Q International Bussines 7,5 MEM ANG
205111 Q Strategy and Marketing 7,5 MEM ANG
205112 Q Advanced Project Management 7,5 MEM ANG
205115 Q Combinatorial Optimization in Logistics 7,5 MEM ANG
205116 Q Simulation of Industrial Processes 7,5 MEM ANG
205117 Q Business Analytics 7,5 MEM ANG
205120 B1 Fundamentals of Industrial Wireless Communication 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205559 Q Teixits Intel·ligents 3 MUDTT ANG
205560 Q Producció Tèxtil a la Indústria 4.0 3 MUDTT ANG
205561 Q Gestió de Recerca i Desenvolupament 3 MUDTT ANG
205562 Q Tèxtils per al Disseny i la Innovació 3 MUDTT ANG
220218 B2 Game Theory 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG
220219 B2 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
220221 B1 Railway Systems 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
220222 Q Thermal Turbomachine and Combustion 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG
220224 B2 Structures of New Generation Materials 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG
220225 B1 Surface Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
220226 B1 Research Seminars 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
220238 B1 Applied Robotics 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
220239 B2 Geotechnical Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG
220310 Q Direcció de Projectes d'Aeronaus i Vehicles Aeroespacials 5 MUEA ANG
220674 B2 Quantitative Research Methods 3 MUEO ANG
205092 B2 Dynamical Systems in Engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA ANG
205124 B2 Colloids, interfaces and nanoscale engineering 3 MUEI/MUEA/MASE ANG


Subjects in Catalan/Spanish

205088 B2 Transmissió de Potència II 3 MUEI/MUEA CAT
220370 B2 Fonaments d'Enginyeria Aeroportuària 3 MUEA CAT
220371 B1 Fonaments de Propulsió 3 MUEA CAT
220372 B2 Fonaments d'Enginyeria Espacial 3 MUEA CAT
220373 B1 Fonaments de Disseny d'Aeronaus 3 MUEA CAT
220375 B2 Elements Resistents en l'Aeronàutic 3 MUEA CAT

  • MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
  • MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
  • MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
  • MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
  • MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
  • MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology
Period: Check the academic calendar to know the dates
  • Q - Quadrimestral
  • B1 - The first part of semester
  • B2 - The second part of semester