Exchange courses Master's Degrees
Subjects in English
205002 | Q | Research Management and Aerospace Projects | 10 | MASE | ANG |
205050 | B1 | Infrared termography for Building Diagnostics | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205051 | B2 | Facilities Management | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205053 | B1 | Introduction to metaheuristics for optimization problems | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205058 | B1 | Demolitions and Soil Preparation | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205059 | B2 | Mobile Robots | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205065 | B2 | Spaceports, airports for spaceflights | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205068 | Q | Smart Textiles | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205077 | B2 | Data Mining and Machine Learning for Engineers | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205079 | B2 | Agile methodologies and processes for the creation of innovative solutions | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205087 | B1 | Non-linear time series analytics | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205089 | B2 | The space environment | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205090 | B1 | Practical Use of FEM for Structural Analysis with NASTRAN | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205096 | B2 | Research on Fluids Mechanics | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205097 | B1 | Global Navigation Satellite System | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205099 | B1 | Advanced Engineering Data Analysis-GRAU | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205106 | Q | Production and Logistics | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205107 | Q | International Bussines | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205111 | Q | Strategy and Marketing | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205112 | Q | Advanced Project Management | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205115 | Q | Combinatorial Optimization in Logistics | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205116 | Q | Simulation of Industrial Processes | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205117 | Q | Business Analytics | 7,5 | MEM | ANG |
205128 | B1 | Interplanetary Trajectory Design and Optimisation | 3 | MUEA/MASE | ANG |
205129 | B2 | Aerodynamic shape optimization | 3 | MUEA/MASE | ANG |
220225 | B1 | Surface Engineering | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205559 | Q | Teixits Intel·ligents | 3 | MUDTT | ANG |
205560 | Q | Producció Tèxtil a la Indústria 4.0 | 3 | MUDTT | ANG |
205561 | Q | Gestió de Recerca i Desenvolupament | 3 | MUDTT | ANG |
205562 | Q | Tèxtils per al Disseny i la Innovació | 3 | MUDTT | ANG |
220218 | B2 | Game Theory | 3 | MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU | ANG |
220219 | B2 | Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
220221 | B1 | Railway Systems | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
220222 | Q | Thermal Turbomachine and Combustion | 3 | MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU | ANG |
220224 | B2 | Structures of New Generation Materials | 3 | MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU | ANG |
220226 | B1 | Research Seminars | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
220238 | B1 | Applied Robotics | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
220239 | B2 | Geotechnical Engineering | 3 | MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU | ANG |
220310 | Q | Direcció de Projectes d'Aeronaus i Vehicles Aeroespacials | 5 | MUEA | ANG |
220674 | B2 | Quantitative Research Methods | 3 | MUEO- GRAU | ANG |
320058 | Plastic materials Technology | 6 | MEC | ANG | |
205092 | B2 | Dynamical Systems in Engineering | 3 | MUEI/MUEA- GRAU | ANG |
205124 | B2 | Colloids, interfaces and nanoscale engineering | 3 | MUEI/MUEA/MASE- GRAU | ANG |
205072 | B2 | Space resouces&Planetary settlements | 3 | MUEA/MASE | ANG |
205127 | B2 | Launch vehicles and trajectory optimization | 3 | MUEA/MASE | ANG |
205126 | B2 | Fundamentals of hipersonic aerodinamics | 3 | MUEA/MASE | ANG |
220671 | B2 | Combinatorial Optimization Methods | 3 | MUEO | ANG |
Subjects in Catalan/Spanish
220213 | Q | Direcció Integrada de Projectes | 5 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220227 | B2 | Tecnologia Electrònica | 3 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220228 | B2 | Tecnologia Química | 3 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220229 | B1 | Tecnologia Elèctrica | 3 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220235 | B2 | Teoria de Màquines | 3 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220236 | B2 | Disseny d'Experiments | 3 | MUEI | CAT/CAST |
220370 | B2 | Fonaments d'Enginyeria Aeroportuària | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220371 | B1 | Fonaments de Propulsió | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220372 | B2 | Fonaments d'Enginyeria Espacial | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220373 | B1 | Fonaments de Disseny d'Aeronaus | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220375 | B2 | Elements Resistents en l'Aeronàutic | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220555 | Q | Automatització de Processos | 5 | MUEO | CAT |
220614 | Q | Gestió de Projectes | 10 | MUESAI | CAST |
320048 | Elasticitat | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
320054 | Estructures i construcció industrial | 9 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
320055 | Enginyeria gràfica | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
320057 | Accionaments i transmissions | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
320060 | Ajustos i control numèric | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
320174 | CAD mecànic | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST | |
3200502 | Q | Sistemes tèrmics II | 4,5 | MEC | CAT/CAST |
3200512 | Teoria i disseny de màquines i mecanismes II | 6 | MEC | CAT/CAST |
Period: Check the academic calendar to know the dates
- Q - Quadrimestral
- B1 - The first part of semester
- B2 - The second part of semester
- MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
- MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
- MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
- MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
- MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
- MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology
Subjects in English
Subjects in Catalan/Spanish
205084 | B2 | Pneumàtica i Oleohidràulica Industrial | 3 | OPTATIVA MÀSTER | CAT/CAST |
220240 | Q1 | Estructures de Formigó | 5 | MUEI CONST | CAST |
220241 | Q1 | Estructures Metàl·liques | 5 | MUEI CONST | CAST |
220242 | Q1 | Estructures Avançades | 5 | MUEI CONST | CAST |
220243 | Q1 | Edificis Intel·ligents | 5 | MUEI CONST | CAT/CAST/ANG |
220252 | Q1 | Control de Màquines Elèctriques | 5 | MUEI ELE | CAT/CAST/ANG |
220253 | Q1 | Projecte de Sistemes Elèctrics amb Energies Renovables | 5 | MUEI ELE | CAT/CAST |
220254 | Q1 | Instrumentació Avançada | 2,5 | MUEI ELE | CAST |
220255 | Q1 | Control, Gestió i Supervisió de Processos | 2,5 | MUEI ELE | CAST |
220260 | Q1 | Sistemes de Transmissió de Potència | 10 | MUEI MEC | CAT/CAST |
220261 | Q1 | Sistemes de Fabricació Avançada | 5 | MUEI MEC | CAST |
220566 | Q1 | Direcció de Projectes d'Organització | 7 | MUEO | CAT/CAST |
Period: Check the academic calendar to know the dates
- Q - Quadrimestral
- B1 - The first part of semester
- B2 - The second part of semester
- MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
- MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
- MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
- MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
- MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
- MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology
Subjects in English
Subjects in Catalan/Spanish
205088 | B2 | Transmissió de Potència II | 3 | MUEI/MUEA | CAT |
220370 | B2 | Fonaments d'Enginyeria Aeroportuària | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220371 | B1 | Fonaments de Propulsió | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220372 | B2 | Fonaments d'Enginyeria Espacial | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220373 | B1 | Fonaments de Disseny d'Aeronaus | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
220375 | B2 | Elements Resistents en l'Aeronàutic | 3 | MUEA | CAT |
- MUEI: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering
- MUEA: Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering
- MUEO: Master's Degree in Management Engineering
- MEM: Master's Degree in Technology and Engineering Management
- MASE: Master's Degree in Space and Aeronautical Engineering
- MUDTT: Master's Degree in Textile Design and Technology
- Q - Quadrimestral
- B1 - The first part of semester
- B2 - The second part of semester