
Biomass options for a sustainable future. The case for Europe

[CODI CURS: 205.01] 

Adreçat a: Estudiants de Batxillerat

Durada de l’activitat: 20h.


  • Setmana del 3 al 6 de juliol de 2018, de 9:00h. a 14:00h.
  • Lloc: ESEIAAT, carrer Colom 11, Terrassa

Preu: 100 euros

Requisits: Nivell 'First Certificate in English'

Presentació i objectius:

Give a wider spectrum about sustainable biomass utilization and technologies, as a source of renewable energy and for the spacial case of the European countries.

Places: 20 places 

Correu electrònic de contacte


  • Introduction to the science of biomass. Classifications. Biomass data harvesting about Europe. Basic knowledge of heat transfer. (Excel software using ability is recommended)
  • Possible energy content of biomass in Europe. Biomass waste, including wood waste as an energy source. (Excel software using ability is recommended)
  • Energy density increasing technologies: torrefaction, pyrolysis. Alternative engine fuels produced from biomass. 4th generation fuels
  • Case study: Torrefaction in Europe
  • Case study: Jet fuel from biomass in the European Union

Idioma: Totes les sessions es faran en anglès


Dr. Zoltan Szamosi, University of Miskolc · Institute of Energy Engineering and Chemical Machinery . Hungary