Politecnico di Torino
Information about the Politecnico di Torino*
Website of the University: link
Politecnico di Torino is known both in Italy and abroad as a leading institution to study engineering and architecture. Tradition combines with innovation to make its campus a stimulating environment offering a wealth of opportunities.
Our university has around 32,000 students, with 50% from outside the region and about 15% who are foreign - the highest percentage in Italy. Our degrees are internationally recognised and students can choose to follow degree courses taught in English or, thanks to our links with some of the most prestigious universities around the world, undertake periods of study abroad as part of their course.
Master’s Degree in Engineering and Management
Website of the Master: link
The Master’s Degree in Engineering and Management is part of the ‘International Programs’ of the Politecnico di Torino and it is a two year Course offered in English. The Master includes two types of courses: the first one consists of standard courses related to economic management and they are compulsory to all students; in the second one, students will have to decide between specific training courses where they can complete their technical and economic knowledge and skills through a range of elective courses.
Double Master’s Degree between UPC and TORINO
Students who pass the specific curriculum of this Double Master’s Degree program will get two Master’s Degree Certificates: one from UPC and another from TORINO.
The Double Master’s Degree program between UPC and TORINO curriculum includes:
- 1-year courses (60 ECTS) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech (Spain).
- 1-year courses (56ECTS) at Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
- 0.5-year Master Thesis (30 ECTS) at any of the two universities. The Master Thesis will be supervised by two professors: one from each university.
If you have any questions throughout the process please contact by email admissions.masters.eseiaat@upc.edu