
Conferència “Aircraft Electrical Network” AIRBUS


13/11/2017 de 15:00 a 17:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


ESEIAAT - Sala d'Actes. Edifici TR5

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Conferència "Aircraft Electrical Network"

dilluns, 13 de novembre 2017 | 15:00h a 17:00h | Sala d'Actes. Edifici TR5 | ESEIAAT


  • Electrical story on aircrafts .
  • Generation AC & DC
  • Power conversion
  • Network architecture
  • Toward the more electrical aircraft


A càrrec de Bernard Bonafos

R&T Electrical designer. Electrical Systems Design Office. AIRBUS Operations


En el marc de l’assignatura “Circuits elèctrics”

Oberta a la comunitat universitària.



Bernard Bonafos

Graduated in electrical engineering, he has been Professor of electrical systems at the electrical engineering school SUPELEC (PARIS) during 7 years when at the same time he has worked within the power systems laboratory, on electrical machines and power electronics design.

He joined AIRBUS in 2004, where he led a team of electrical designers working on ground test rigs for all aircraft systems.

He’s been working since 2015 into the electrical design office, particularly on R&T projects like the more electrical aircraft.