Professional opportunities

Graduates may pursue careers in traditional productive sectors (fibre production, spinning, weaving, garment manufacturing, finishing, dyeing, finishes, distribution and sale), where they will have the knowledge and skills needed to manage textile production in a globalised context. They will also be equipped to lead and manage research, development and innovation teams engaged in developing technical textile products for apparel, home use, aeronautics, sports, construction and for any other area where technological textile products with special functional properties are required. Graduates are also qualified to work in various areas of industry related to the textile sector, including the manufacture and marketing of chemicals used in textile processes and the design and manufacture of textile machinery. The skills and knowledge that students acquire will open up a range of job opportunities, including the possibility of employment as production managers; technicians in research, development and innovation of textile processes and products; product quality managers; technical advisers; and managers of various specific areas related to this field.


Generic competencies
Generic competencies are the skills that graduates acquire regardless of the specific course or field of study. The generic competencies established by the UPC are capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English), teamwork and proper use of information resources.

Specific competencies

    • To identify the properties of fibres and technical yarns and apply manufacturing technologies to these materials.
    • To analyse and apply weaving technologies in the development of advanced fabrics.
    • To manage and optimise advanced dyeing and printing processes.
    • To manage and optimise the application of advanced textile finishing processes.
    • To identify and apply environmental and sustainability technologies in the field of textile design and technology.
    • To make appropriate use of analytical techniques to conduct research and development activities related to textile processes.
    • To carry out and present and defend before an examination committee an original, individual piece of work consisting of an engineering study or project in the field of textile design and technology, of a professional or research nature, that synthesises the competencies acquired on the master’s degree.