
These past years, the research at Polytechnic University of Catalonia has experimented a huge impulse because:

  • Has come to be the first Spanish university in terms of attracting resources from companies.
  • Is the university that obtained the most economic return from the VI Framework Program of the European Union.
  • Is the Spanish university that hsa the leading position in terms of the number of patents granted and the creatio of spin-offs
  • Obtain practical experience that facilitates insertion in the labor market.

We are the Catalan university that has the most centers in the Techonlogical Innovation Network from CITEM, we participate in different technological enters, etc. All this has been done with the collaboration and support of the administrations and, in a special way, of the Terrassa City Council, support of enterprenours and people linked to the world of innovation, and with the great dedication and excitement of the people who work at the University.

Research areas:



The Laboratory for the Technological Innovation of Structures and Materials, LITEM, was born at the end of 2004 as a research group. LITEM is an Interdisciplinary Research Centre of the Technical University of Catalonia. It is supported by a team of PhD Engineers in the fields of Strength of Materials and Continuum Mechanics.

General Information

  • Contact person: Lluís Gil Espert
  • Research field: Material strength and continuum mechanics
  • URL:
  • Location: Building TR45 - Terrassa Campus

Current research lines: Characterization and remidation of contaminated areas (saturated zone and unsaturated or "vadose" zone). Desorption of contaminants in contaminated soils using low-temperature thermal technologies. Technology transfer: Definition of pollution hotspots and modeling of aquifers in the Besòs River basin. Design and modeling systems for decontaminating aquifers affected by industrial and mining activities.

General information

  • Principal investigator: José Baldasano
  • Research field: Environmental process modeling.
  • Location: Building TR4, Fluids Laboratory - Terrassa Campus

The Research and Innovation Group in Construction (GRIC) of the Department of Construction Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) carries out interdisciplinary research to improve the production processes of companies in the construction sector.

General information

  • Principal investigator: Miquel Casals
  • Research field: Engineering/Construction
  • URL:
  • Location: Building TR5 - Terrassa Campus


MCIA is a recognized center for its innovation and technological transfer capabilities by the Department of Innovation, Universities, and Enterprise (ACC10) of the Government of Catalonia. MCIA is a part of the network of leading technology transfers in Catalonia (TECNIO) and collaborates wit CTAE (Technological Center for Aerospace and Space Industry). The members of the Center come from the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications, and industrial control, bringing expertise in signal acquisition and processing, industrial telecommunications systems and control, electrical machine diagnostics, and design and management of power electronics-based systems. The multidisciplinary nature of the Center allows it to effectively cover the scientific and technological aspects of projects involving communication systems, mechatronic systems, and energy management.

General information

  • Principal investigator: José Luís Romeral/Juan Antonio Ortega
  • Research field: Industrial Electronics, Industrial Diagnostics, Energy Management
  • URL:
  • Location: GAIA esearch Building, Rambla Sant Nebridi s/n - Terrassa Campus

The GESSI research group the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) conducts research in many fields of software engineering, with particular emphasis on requirements engineering, software quality, software architecture, service-oriented computing, open source software, software modeling and empirical research.

Dades generals

  • Contact person: Xavier Franch Gutierrez
  • Research field: Software Engineering, with emphasis on Requirements Engineering, Software Quality, Software Architecture, Service-oriented Computing, Open Source Software, Software Modeling, and Empirical Research.
  • URL:

El The Laboratory of Relational Algorithmics, Complexity, and Learning (LARCA) is an internationally recognized research group in the fields of learning and data mining, data analysis, and mathematical linguistics.

Typically, they approach problems from solid mathematical principles, using modeling tools and techniques from algorithmics, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamical systems. They are initiating collaborations with companies and other institutions to apply their solutions to real-world problems.

General information

  • Principal investigator: Ricard Gavaldà
  • Research field: Data mining and learning, Massive data analysis with an emphasis on data streams, structured data analysis
  • URL:
  • Location: OMEGA Building - Campus Nord (Barcelona)

The group's activity focuses on developing solutions to ensure various security services in telecommunications networks. The objective is cutting-edge research in different aspects related to information protection.

General information

The group conducts research in the field of radiofrequency electronics systems and electromagnetic compatibility. The main activities focus on the development of wearable electronic systems with a particular emphasis on the development of antennas and sensors on flexible substrates.

General information


The Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry, Arakelov Theory and Applications Group (GEOMAP) is a group of researchers with interests in a wide range of fields, which include algebraic, arithmetic and symplectic geometries and their applications. With a few exceptions, the group is composed of researchers belonging to the Universitat de Barcelona or to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Dades generals

  • Contact person: Marta Casanellas
  • Research lines: Geometry, AlgebraGeometria, Symplectic and arithmetic varieties.
  • URL:
  • Location: Building TR45 - Terrassa Campus

Our group belongs to the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalonia (UPC). Our general goal is to study the nature and effects of nonlinear phenomena in different types of physical systems, with a special emphasis on optical devices such as photonic crystals, lasers and microcavities. An important motivation of these studies is to elucidate the potential use of nonlinear effects in technological applications such as optical communications.

Dades generals

  • Contact person: Ramon Vilaseca
  • Research lines: Additionally, stochastic and nonlinear effects are studied in other disciplines, including systems biology, neuroscience, nonlinear electronics and climatic effects.
  • URL:
  • Location: Gaia Research building, Terrassa Campus of the University (Rambla Sant Nebridi 22, Terrassa)

The group was created in 1990 and approved as the Game Theory Research Group (GRTJ) at UPC on July 16, 2004 (acronym GRTJ, code 00000100-00). It has been recognized as a Consolidated Research Group by the Government of Catalonia since October 18, 2005. The group is dedicated to research on the foundations and applications of game theory.

General information

  • Contact person: Josep Freixas/Francesc Carreras
  • Research field: Mathematics, Operations Research
  • Location: Department of Applied Mathematics II, TR5 Building - Campus Terrassa

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