Information sessions for prospective master's degree students

Acabes de finalitzar els estudis de Grau i estàs pensant en ampliar els teus estudis amb un Màster, o bé estàs treballant i voldries tenir més coneixements que t'ajudarien a impulsar la teva carrera, o estàs pensant en un doctorat i encaminar la teva trajectòria professional cap a la investigació.

You've just finished your bachelor's degree and you're thinking of furthering your education with a master's degree, or you've got a job and you'd like to gain knowledge that will help you propel your career forward, or you're considering a doctoral degree and directing your career towards research.

Do you want to find out about the programme for high achievers: a double ESEIAAT master's degree and a double degree with the UOC?

Do you know what the ESEIAAT can offer you? The quality of the teaching and the satisfaction of the students on our master's degrees is guaranteed.

Get to know us!

These are the dates of our upcoming information sessions. To make it easier for you to attend, all of the sessions take place online. You will need to register beforehand.

Register now!


Information sessions, 2023-2024 academic year

Register for the session that best fits your schedule.




Our professors will introduce you to our master's degrees: