Aircraft Design Hackathon - “Changing the future of air travel”

Deadline for submission: 2nd July 2017.


Jun 27, 2017 01:00 PM to Jul 02, 2017 02:00 PM (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)

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If you share the passion for aviation and you have some insights on how to change future air travel, join “Aircraft Design Hackathon” on 17-20 July 2017 in Ajdovščina (Slovenia), the hometown of Pipistrel.

We encourage:

Master’s or Ph.D. students in aeronautics, engineering, design open minded students, who wish to invent and innovate students who speaks and understand English fluently and students that have obtained the Bachelor degree not before 2013.

We offer:

Reimbursement of travel cost up to 300€

Free organized food and accommodation

Free organized transfers to Ajdovščina

Prizes for winning team and bonuses for all.

How to apply:

The participant can apply via registration formand by sending on email (

  1. CV (preferably Europass CV)
  2. transcript of records and degree certificate
  3. 1 page motivation letter for participation.

Deadline for submission: 2nd July 2017.

More information at: