Follow-up and supervision

Students prepare and write their final thesis under the direction of their thesis supervisor. Students and thesis supervisors can use the Atenea-TFE platform to communicate and/or share documents related to the thesis. They may also use any other form of communication they consider appropriate.

The thesis supervisor and the student will hold face-to-face or remote meetings as necessary to ensure that the student is making good progress on their final thesis and so that the supervisor can provide guidance and monitor the work being done.

In the case of bachelor’s theses, students must attend a face-to-face training/information session. In addition, the final thesis coordinator will provide online monitoring to deal with formal issues related to the thesis, monitor progress and help ensure that the thesis is completed on time. These sessions include:

-        Session 1 (face-to-face) – content and structure of the bachelor's thesis, semester calendar, delivery of progress reports, etc.

-        Session 2 (online) – Hand-in of the project charter.

-        Sessions 3, 4 and 5 (online) – Monitoring of progress and discussion of any difficulties encountered.


Once a final thesis has been completed, the student must complete the quality checklist.

In the case of final theses completed at companies with which there is no educational cooperation agreement in place, the risks and responsibilities at the company document must be completed and signed.