
Final thesis format

 In general, the report of a final thesis should be structured as follows.

  • Cover
  • Abstract: A short text (250 to 500 words) in which the content and nature of the work is described, focusing particularly on the objectives, methods, results and conclusions of the thesis.
  • Table of contents: This must include the headings of all sections and subdivisions in the order in which they appear in the text, showing the page number on which each starts.
  • List of tables: The titles and numbers of all tables included, in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • List of figures: The titles and numbers of all figures included, in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • List of abbreviations / Glossary (where appropriate)
  • INTRODUCTION. This section must include the following:
    • Object: The final result that is to be achieved.
    • Scope: Work packages and deliverables required to arrive at the solution.
    • Requirements: Or basic specifications. Limitations of the solution proposed.
    • Rationale: A broad overview of the need for the work, which is then considered from a more specific perspective. The aim is to focus and contextualise the thesis.
  • MAIN BODY. This section must include the following:
    • Background and/or review of the state of the art (where appropriate): The current situation with respect to the topic of study.
    • Methodology: The steps to be followed to achieve the objectives of the thesis, including the techniques and tools necessary to solve the problem.
    • Planning and decision making on alternative solutions.
    • Discussion of the solution(s).
    • Budget summary and/or economic feasibility study (as appropriate).
    • Analysis and assessment of environmental and social implications (where appropriate).
    • Conclusions and recommendations for further work: This section should present a final synthesis based on interpretation of the results obtained. Conclusions are generally brief and must be directly related to the objectives of the thesis.
    • Planning and scheduling of the proposed further work.
    • List of bibliographic references and regulations applied: A list of the documents consulted and cited throughout the thesis. Information on recommended practices with respect to citations and how to generate bibliographic references can be found at this address:


The format of each of these documents is free, but a Report template is provided.

Students should check the spelling and grammar of all final thesis documents, use the International System of Units (SI) and a consistent number of decimal places, and identify the axes of graphs included in the text.

The length of the core text of the final thesis should not exceed a maximum of 60-70 pages.