May 31, 2020 - 10:39h] Notes of the Director. Weekly Report (X). COVID-19

Mar 30, 2020

Dear community,

Just today we close the month of May with the first news of pandemic regrowth. Even though, at the moment they are small sprouts and seem to be under control, this revival of the disease reminds us that we cannot lower our guard or relax because, in this situation, people’s health must be a priority. As every week, much encouragement for our colleagues affected by the current situation.

Tomorrow Monday, we will continue in Phase 1 and everything indicates that it will not be until June 8 that we will advance to Phase 2, if there are no setbacks. Remember that we have been implementing the Plan for the unlockdown and progressive reactivation of activity at the UPC (document) describing the actions related to each Phase and progress to normality.

The implementation of the Plan for the unlockdown, has meant a significant increase in activity at the UPC Terrassa, without incident. Remember that at this stage only people previously authorized can access to the School.

At ESEIAAT’s level, the past Wednesday was held a Standing Committee which began with silence minute as a form of respect for the victims of COVID-19. Of the different points that were discussed, I want to emphasize that it was passed by consensus that all Final Exams of the academic year 2019-20, will be Non-face-to-face. It is an important decision that avoids vagueness two weeks from now to begin the assessment tests. The July re-assessment exams, which involves a much more moderate and controllable face-to-face assistance, will remain in that format as long as the mobility conditions allows it.

Also on Thursday 28th, was held the UTG Terrassa Council, where a document related to general measures provided at the Plan for the unlockdown is being worked out and which will allow specifying various logistical and operational issues, adapting them to the peculiarities of the UPC at Terrassa. We will send it to you in the coming days.

On the other hand, tomorrow Monday, the period of modifications of the teaching guides for PDI it will be open. This is the usual opening that is made annually to introduce modifications to the guides of the subjects. Important: It is NOT necessary to modify the guide to introduce what the Addenda says, or make changes thinking about an abnormal situation in autumn. Later on, if applicable, the future exceptionality must collect a new Addendum.

At the UPC level, and in view of the forthcoming evaluations, a new virtual platform has been created “ATENEA Exams” that I already mentioned las week. This platform has been set up to avoid the risk of collapse of ATENEA platform during the final exams, which are expected to be massive and almost simultaneously at many centers. The platform is configured so that 2,000 students can start exams at once and up to 5,000 students can take exams simultaneously. You can check the news at the following link.

This is a completely transparent system for students, so they will not see any difference with ATENEA but the teaching staff will have to follow the procedure which is detailed on this website an in these videos: ATENEA Exams, and Copy Exams from ATENEA to ATENEA Exams.

Its functioning is not particularly complex but it has some differences with the actual ATENEA. We also know that some final adjustments are being made for next week. For this reason, the School has organized for DPI a training session in ATENEA Exams, on Monday June 8 at 10:00p.m. Our colleague Sisco Vallverdú will give a brief explanation practice to the operation of the new platform, resolving any doubts that may arise.

Finally, as I have said on another occasion, the situation in which we find ourselves in has big personal and institutional repercussions. Everyone is affected in a greater or lesser measure because of the human suffering and because of the economic and social consequences of this crisis. But from the institutional point of view, we have a responsibility to stay whole, firm and practice active optimism because we are a Public University and we owe it to the society. I am convinced that we are and will be one key element to resist and that we will help to get out of the current impasse in which we find ourselves immersed.

Thank you everybody and please stay safe and be safe



Xavier Roca

