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Xerrada sobre les beques Balsells per fer estades acadèmiques als Estats Units

31/03/2017 de 12:00 a 13:00
Afegeix un esdeveniment al calendari

Professor Roger Rangel,

Director of the California-Catalonia
Engineering Programs,
University of California Irvine

The Balsells Graduate Fellowship Program at the University of Colorado Boulder (UCB), the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS), and the University of California, Irvine (UCI) provides graduate fellowships and assistantships to allow outstanding students from Catalonia to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in any engineering fi eld at the three universities. A new program at the University of California Davis (UCD) is focused on agricultural and food sciences.

31th March 12h

Sala de Conferències Edifici TR1 - Planta 0

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